On this seventh anniversary of 9/11, and with only 54 days left in the election, this is the time that we should step back and reflect upon the real threats that face our nation today. Whether it’s on the front page or not, the fuel for Islamist inspired terrorism against our citizens and allies continue to grow. In many cases Islamism 1.0 is transforming into the more difficult to expose Islamism 2.0 often even condemning terrorism but holding a vastly different vision of society and government than one we are used to in the lap of liberty in America.
The only serious common element of most of our Islamist enemies is the ideology of political Islam and their desire to establish Islamic states. Just as the Muslim Brotherhood has executed its “Project” over the last century to spread Islamism and control society and government, anti-Islamist Muslims need to counter the MB Project with a more potent “counter-project” to bring the Muslim consciousness and the Muslim world into modernity and a comfort with liberal democracy.
On this seventh anniversary of 9/11, we all need to wake ourselves and our neighbors up to the tall order ahead. Instead of just talking and writing about the war of ideas that needs to happen in the future, we need to actively wage the war of ideas against Islamists domestically and globally today.
Until we do that, 9/11 anniversaries will continue to pass and we will lose more and more ground as we blindly head down our current path. It is time for a change of course down a path which more openly engages and ideological combats Islamists who have already heavily penetrated the West and are moving to gain control in Muslim majority lands.